Color Your Hair Without Detrimental Effects

The majority of commercially available hair dyes and colorants contain harsh and toxic chemicals that can harm your hair's natural beauty, texture, and quality. According to one study, ten out of every seven women under the age of 30 and ten out of every five men under the age of 40 use permanent hair color to cover up grey hairs and/or replace their original/natural color/shade with a more vibrant and desired one. PPD (paraphenylenediamine) is a colorless dye used as an oxidizer in hair colours that promise to completely transform your and your hair's appearance. It gives your hair a deep and long-lasting coloured appearance when combined with a gel color or powder. Nonetheless, the chemicals in these hair colorscolored are harmful to your scalp's health because they vaporize moisture and essential nutrients from your scalp. Furthermore, these artificial hair colors have been found to be responsible for reducing the natural look and shade of your hair while coloring it. Th...